Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Learning from the Lifestyle of the Eagle

Some vital life’s lessons are learned from the animals and among the animals we can learn some lessons from is the strong and magnificent bird, called, the eagle.  
After a careful research and study, I discovered that greatness is a   function of laid down principles. And anyone who practises the laid down principles will attain greatness.
Now, what are these principles I discovered from the lifestyle of the eagle? How can one utilise the principles to attain greater height in life?         
These and many more questions are what you will find answers to in my e-book, titled, SOARING TO GREATNESS – How to Cultivate the Lifestyle of the eagle. Code: AA
Below are what you will learn from my e-book:
  • The victorious lifestyle  of the eagle
  • How to locate your place of greatness
  • How to leverage  challenges and unfavourable situations to soar to greatness
  • How J.K. Rawlings leveraged adversity to soar and become a famous international bestselling author
  • How to use anything you have as a lever to lift you to greater height
  • Acquire the flight training that will make you soar to greater height 
  • How to turn threats into opportunities
  • How to overcome fear and develop the courage to face challenges
  • 5 steps to realizing your vision
  • How to see opportunities and take advantage of them
  • How to break away from negative inferiority complex that is keeping some people in defeat and failure
  • 4 things you must do to empower yourself for greatness
  • And many more
N1,000 only
How to Order

Pay N1,000 only into any of the following accounts:

1. Bank: UBA
Account Name: Adaji Sunday
Account Number: 2015569824

2. Zenith Bank
Account Name: Adaji Sunday Enemaku
Account No. 2007552922

After payment, text your payment details to: 07061016859. Remember to include the code of the e-book. The code is: AA. The payment details you will text to us will look like this:

Name/email/amount/code/teller No/date/

Example: sunny/conqueror.adaji30@gmail.com/N1,000/ AA/00000/00-00-00

On confirmation of your payment, your order will be sent to your email box where you will download or print out and read.

For more enquiry, you can reach by via: 

Phone: 07061016859
Email: conqueror.adaji30@gmail.com

More CFVL Resources
For details about all our resources, click this link below and you will be taken to a page containing links to our resources. Click those links to read more about our resources before you order them. click this link now: CFVL RESOURCES

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Practical Guide to Earning Fortunes from Snail Farming

Snail farming is one of the easiest and most lucrative businesses you can venture into. What is also interesting to note is that any person can venture into it. Any person can venture into snail farming and succeed. The young, the old, boys, girls, women and men are running snail farms.
However, in spite of the fact that snail farming is lucrative, not many people are involved in it. Just go round your locality and count the number of people that are involved in snail farming. You will discover they are not many.
This makes snail farming an unexplored but lucrative farm business. The demand for snail remains very high locally and internationally. The protein and iron content in snail perhaps account for its high demand locally and internationally. Snail has been recommended for treatment of iron deficiency disease (anaemia) in most parts of Africa.
In addition to the high demand for snail, it is equally important to note that snails are highly prolific animals. Snails are hermaphrodites, which mean they both have female and male reproductive organs. As a result of this natural characteristic, they all reproduce by laying large number of eggs.
Depending on the specie you are rearing, a snail can lay 150-300 eggs per clutch or session. And it lays up to eight times.  The lifespan of snail is 5 years upward.
Going by the above confirmed statistics, if you start with just two mature snails, in 6 or 7 years to come, you will record sales of several million snails, which also translate to millions of naira! Sounds incredible? Well, going by statistics and by good management practices, this is possible!
For three good years, I have been researching how one can rear and manage snails with minimal risks and earn huge income constantly. The result of my research is that there are tried and tested management principles that guarantee high yield, high sales and high profits. 
The result of my research is what I have packaged into an e-book titled, The A-Z of Snail Farming - A Practical Guide to Making Fortunes from Snail Farming. Code:SF.
In 2013 when I wrote and published my book titled, How to Be Self Employed. (Vol. 1,) – Practical Time-tested Principles that Work for the Unemployed and the Wealth Seekers, I told readers in page 39 of the book to watch out for my e-book on  snail farming titled, The A-Z of  Snail Farming -  A Practical Guide to Making Fortunes from Snail Farming. Code:SF
Now, at last, The A-Z of Snail Farming - A Practical Guide to Making Fortunes from Snail Farming.  Code:SF,is out. With this e-book, you can start your snail farm from your backyard and grow it into a big cash generating business in record time. If you follow the management principles explained in The A-Z of Snail Farming - A Practical Guide to Making Fortunes from Snail Farming. Code:SF, you will achieve great success in your snail rearing business.
Below are what you will learn from The A-Z of Snail Farming - A Practical Guide to Making Fortunes from Snail Farming. Code:SF:

  • Prospect in snail farming

  • Snail breeding techniques that bring high yields

  • How to construct and mange hatcheries with minimal costs

  • How to maintain  hatchlings (small snails)

  • 4 ways of breeding snails under intensive management system

  • How to breed snails under extensive management  system

  • The  right feeds for your snails

  • Feeds that  you must  NEVER give to snails

  • Good management practices that guarantee high yields

  • The stocking rates that encourage quick growth and high performance

  • 5 sets of  eager prospects  that you can sell your  snails to constantly

  • How  to find overseas buyers within minutes and strike deals with them

  • How to meet the requirements for exporting snails

  • How to process  and package snails for local and international markets

  • How to leverage  the internet for massive sales

  • And many more!

N2,000 only
How to Order
Pay N2,000 into any of the following accounts:
1.   Bank: UBA
Account Name: Adaji Sunday
Account Number: 2015569824
2.   Zenith Bank
Account Name: Adaji Sunday Enemaku
Account No. 2007552922
After payment, text your payment details to: 07061016859. Remember to include the code of the e-book. The code is: SF The payment details you will text to us will look like this:
Name/email/amount/code/teller No/date/          
Example: sunny/conqueror.adaji30@gmail.com/N2,000/SF/00000/00-00-00
On confirmation of your payment, your order will be sent to your email box where you will download or print out and read.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Making Fortunes from Classified Ads

Classified ads are those tiny ads that you see in the newspapers and magazines. Many newspapers and magazines set aside a page or two of their publication to run classified ads for people.

As tiny as those ads are, they are very effective! If the words in an ad are well written, you can record thousands of sales in just few days! Are you a marketer or do you have products to sell and you are looking for a cheap and effective way of advertising them and make huge sales? 

Then, look no further. Go for classified ads. It could be your best option. Your classified ad in any national newspaper will be read by hundreds of thousands of readers out of which hundreds or thousands of people will respond.

Classified ad writing is a skill you must master if you actually want to make fortunes from it. The more skillful you are in classified ad writing, the higher the income you will make constantly from it. 

If you are interested in making fortunes from classified ads, then, order my eBook titled: How to Make Fortunes from Classified Ads. Code: B3 (9). 

In this eBook, you will learn:

  • 4 merits of classified ads and how you can capitalize on them to make fortunes for yourself.

  • Types of products beginners should promote and advertise in the classified ad section of a newspaper to make huge profits.

  • How to legally own products and sell for high profits via classified ads.

  • How to use classified ads to build your email marketing list.

  • How to use your Gmail with classified ads to make fortunes for yourself.

  • How to use classified ads to drive prospects to your blog for massive sales.

  • How to create download link on your blog and give the link to any person who buy your digital product to enable him download.

  • How to set up a blog that you will use to promote and sell your product for high profits.

  • How to write effective sales copy for your online marketing campaign.

  • Powerful combination in classified that increase sales.

  • Practical lessons on how to write compelling classified ad that practically forces prospect to order your products.

  • And many more!

Price: N1,500
How to Order
Pay N1,500 into the following account:
Bank: UBA
Account Name: Adaji Sunday
Account Number: 2015569824
After payment, text your payment details to: 07061016859. Remember to include the code of the eBook. The code is: B2 (3). The payment details you will text to us will look like this:
Name/email/amount/code/teller No/date          
Example: sunny/conqueror.adaji30@gmail.com/N1,500/B2 (3)/0000/00-00-00 
On confirmation of your payment, your order will be sent to your email box where you will download or print out and read.  

Discover the Fastest Way of Making Money On the Internet!

Do you know that you can make money on the Internet faster than you ever imagined? Knowledge, they say, is power. There is a tried and tested way you can take to start making money from the Internet fast.
To start this business, you only need little capital. You don’t need an office and you can start right away from the comfort of your home. For details on how you can start this business and begin to make money from the Internet, order my eBook titled: Internet Opportunity – Discover the Fastest Way of Making Money Online. Code: B3 (6). 

Here are what you will learn from my eBook:

  • Discover powerful tools you can use to record great sales.
  • How to determine a niche product that sells.
  • 10 places to obtain products you can sell as your own and keep the profits.
  •  How to become an instant bestselling author without writing a word and make fortunes selling your eBooks or books.
  • How to turn a product into a unique original bestseller.
  • Secret of setting up a blog for your online marketing campaign.
  • Powerful offline campaign for constant massive sales.
  • How to automate your email account for list building and great constant sales.
  • How to leverage Google Adwords and make massive sales.
  • How to use your Facebook wall to drive massive sales.
  • And many more!
Price: N1,500
How to Order
Pay N1,500 into the following account:
Bank: UBA
Account Name: Adaji Sunday
Account Number: 2015569824
After payment, text your payment details to: 07061016859. Remember to include the code of the eBook. The code is: B2 (3). The payment details you will text to us will look like this:
Name/email/amount/code/teller No/date          
Example: sunny/conqueror.adaji30@gmail.com/N1,500/B2 (3)/78901/27/5/13 
On confirmation of your payment, your order will be sent to your email box where you will download or print out and read.